Why should you consider making a Will?

Many people don’t like to think about the idea of preparing a Will but there are many reasons you should consider doing so:

1.     A Will allows you to appoint people you trust to administer your estate when you die.

2.     A Will allows you to choose who will benefit from your estate and thus, keeps you in control.

3.     Without a Will, you are deemed to have died ‘intestate’ which means your estate will be distributed in accordance with the Intestacy Rules. People you may not wish to inherit could end up benefitting from your estate in this instance.

4.     A Will allows you to appoint Guardians to look after any minor children at your death. This can provide peace of mind knowing your children are accounted for if they are minors at your death.

5.     Your Will can be prepared in an Inheritance Tax efficient manner

6.     Unmarried partners will not inherit under the Intestacy Rules. Preparing a Will can ensure that your partner benefits from your estate

7.     Step-children will not inherit under the Intestacy Rules. If you wish to make provision for them, a Will can ensure that they receive an inheritance. 

8.     Preparing a Will with a solicitor minimises the risk of anyone contesting your Will and making a claim on your estate

9.     Marriage revokes an existing Will. If you have recently married, it is advisable to prepare a new Will.

10.  If you have any pets, you can nominate a person to look after them in your Will for when you die.

If you would like to talk to us about making a will please give us a call on 01937 227 830 or you can book an appointment online.


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